Saturday, November 10, 2007

Sin Jow

After my third boarder crossing, I've made it to Vietnam. Yesterday we took something like a 4 hour ferry ride from Phnom Penh to Chau Doc. We stayed in that town for the evening and it was rather interesting. This route - ferry & bus - isn't the most direct way to Saigon, so not too many Westerners go through the town. And Intrepid only runs the tour like this, using the ferry, at certain times of the year. So needless to say the locals were very interested in us. In Cambodia, I learned a little bit of Khmer went a long way so I've picked up some Vietnamese. So far, I can say hello, goodbye, no thank you, I love you, and Oh my God (good for bargaining).

Last night we took a moto ride to the top of Sam Mountain, next to Chau Doc, to watch the sunset. It wasn't very clear because the locals were burning the rice patties - which the do after harvesting the rice. We then hopped back on our motos and visited the local temple. There were a few little boys who had a dung beetle on a string and were playing with it. I picked up the beetle and righted it. The boys probably thought I was some strange Westerner for not being frightened by the bug. The one was munching on the seeds from a lotus pod, so he decide to share them with me. You peel the green coating off each seed to reveal the white inside. It isn't wasn't bad, but I've eaten better things here. It was pretty cool none the less - everyone is so friendly.

Now after an 8hr bus ride today we're in Saigon - and it's raining. Not too hard, but the first rain we've seen. This computer doesn't see to want to talk to my camera, so I'll have to try and post photos at another time.

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